Sunday, June 15, 2014


Our Trip

Daddy, Mommy, me and Liam went to Plymouth. When we were driving there we saw the Mayflower boat and Pilgrim Rock.  We walked far for miles!!  And we saw baby Piping Plovers and the grownup Piping Plovers and when we got to the end where we were going to find the Black Skimmers a person was walking in front of us and all the terns flew up and it was a tern tornado!! There were Common Terns and Least Terns in a Ternado (like Sharknado!!!)!! We saw 2 different hooded gulls.  We saw Laughing Gulls and Bonapartes Gulls. We saw Laughing Gulls that looked like they were having a meeting. When we were walking further down and we saw two black birds. And my dad looked at them with the Binoculars and said there were two Black Skimmers not one. I took pictures of the Black Skimmers, Least Terns,  Piping Plovers,  Common Terns, and the Laughing Gulls. and a flight shot of a Common Tern and a Laughing Gull. Then we were done with our birding trip!


New Year Birds
231Laughing GullPlymouth HarborUS-MA15 Jun 2014
232Black SkimmerPlymouth BeachUS-MA15 Jun 2014

New Life Birds
245Laughing GullPlymouth HarborUS-MA15 Jun 2014
246Black SkimmerPlymouth BeachUS-MA15 Jun 2014


Owen's photo of a Least Tern!

Owen's photo of a Piping Plover

Owen's photo of 2 Black Skimmers and a Common Tern!

 Owen's photo of a Laughing Gull

Owen after his lifer Laughing Gull
Owen after his lifer Black Skimmers! (which are in the backround)

Plymouth Beach

Owen loves clam chowder. so we went to the best. The Lobster Pound at Manomet Point

Foggy Bird!

Our Trip

mommy, daddy me and Liam went to the Moose Hill place when it was still foggy. We walked through the forest to a field and we met Erik. And then he told us the Dickcissel is here and then the bird flew into a tree and I took pictures of it and they were bad pictures because of the fog. Bobolinks were also there. Then we went looking for a Winter Wren and kept going to a wrong trail. then finally we made it to the right spot and we walked through the forest and I saw a Broad-winged Hawk in a tree. We did not see the Winter Wren and when we were going to the car we heard a chipping noise. Then my dad said there is a Worm-eating Warbler and I got a bad shot of it.


New Year Bird
230DickcisselMoose Hill Farm (TTOR)US-MA14 Jun 2014

244DickcisselMoose Hill Farm (TTOR)US-MA14 Jun 2014

Dickcissel taken by Owen 

Owen with Erik Neilsen
 Owen after his lifer Dickcissel

birding brothers!

Moose Hill Audubon

Moose Hill Farm where the Dickcissel is!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Clapper Day in Connecticut!

Our Trip

First we went to a school in Connecticut to find Cliff Swallows and there 1000s of bugs trying to get us. We walked through the woods and we made it to a sandpit spot. We saw tree, bank, and barn swallows but no cliff swallows and there were still more bugs. We also saw an Indigo Bunting. Great Blue Herons flew over us. The sign was funny because it said Old Maids. Just like Old Maid the game. Then we to the coast and saw Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Glossy Ibis and i kept trying to take pictures of the Great Egret when it was getting a fish but everytime i was ready it stopped doing it. 
Then we went to a park and got Purple Martins when we first got there. There were Fish Crows and Boat-tailed Grackles but we missed the Little Blue Heron. We also got Marsh Wren when we were there. We also saw 1 Dunlin and 2Semipalmated Sanpipers and I was pretty lucky because they were both at the same spot together. I got photos of lots of birds! Then we went to our next spot that wasn't even on our trip to go to. We walked on the boardwalk and we walked past it to the beach and we saw an island! Then we went back to the boardwalk and we thought we failed because it was getting dark and we needed to go home and then the Clapper Rails came. They were calling loud! I got some good pictures!


New Year Birds
225DunlinHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
226Semipalmated SandpiperHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
227Purple MartinHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
228Marsh WrenHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
229Clapper RailSilver Sands SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014

239DunlinHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
240Semipalmated SandpiperHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
241Purple MartinHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
242Marsh WrenHammonasset Beach SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014
243Clapper RailSilver Sands SPUS-CT10 Jun 2014

Fish Crow by Owen!

Semipalmated Sandpipers and Dunlin by Owen!
 Boat-tailed Grackle by Owen!
 Saltmarsh Sparrow by Owen!

 Clapper Rail by Owen!
 Glossy Ibis, Snowy Egret and Great Egret by Owen!
 Great Egrey by Owen!
 Purple Martin by Owen!
Silver Sands SP by Owen!

after his lifer Purple Martin
Owen after his lifer Clapper Rail

after his lifer Semipalmated Sandpiper and Dunlin

after his lifer Marsh Wren

where we looked for the Cliff Swallows

Silver Sands SP

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cape Day

Our Trip

Grammy, me and Daddy went to Cape Cod and got a Clay-colored Sparrow and I'm guessing it's a male because it was singing. When we were finding the Clay-colored Sparrow I got good shots of it when my dad didn't. We were waiting for it to come into  sun. I got two two perfect pictures.  Then we heard knocking and we stopped taking pictures and we looked at the bird and it was a Black-billed Cuckoo and it's bill was black. It was a lifer lifer for me. I got pictures of him. After that we took more pictures of the Cuckoo and the Clay-colored Sparrow. When we went to the bathroom we saw a Beetle and we took photos of it and Grammy holded it. Then we went to our next spot to find a Northern Bobwhite. But we had a hard time trying to find it. and there was a man there walking two dogs there. We also saw a lot of birds we saw a Northern Harrier. I also found a Baltimore Oriole that is a new bird for the month because it's June 1st.  We also found Eastern Towhees. And a titmouse came close to me by my head. 


New Year Birds
223Black-billed CuckooScusset Beach State ReservationUS-MA01 Jun 2014
224Clay-colored SparrowScusset Beach State ReservationUS-MA01 Jun 2014

Life Birds
223Black-billed CuckooScusset Beach State ReservationUS-MA01 Jun 2014
224Clay-colored SparrowScusset Beach State ReservationUS-MA01 Jun 2014

Owen photographing a Clay-colored Sparrow

Clay-colored Sparrow photographed by Owen!

Black-billed Cuckoo photographed by Owen!

Owen after his lifer Black-billed Cuckoo and Clay-colored Sparrow

Looking for Bobwhites

Indigo Bunting Photo by Owen